Graves Yacht Yard (USA)

Located in Marblehead MA, and one of the oldest concerns of it's type still in business in the US. (2010) Founded by James E. Graves, at the turn of the 20th century, initially for the building of racing (rowing)dories.
A wonderful article appeared in the 'Marblehead' magazine (2006?) by Mildred Graves Stetson, the founders daughter, that covers the history of this establishment. The current link (2010) is:

Years in Business: 1898 - present

Sailboats Built By Graves Yacht Yard (USA)

(Dates indicate when boat was first built by any builder)

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10 Sailboats / Per Page: 50 / Page: 1

110 24.00 ft / 7.32 m 1938
210 29.83 ft / 9.09 m 1946
ALDEN O CLASS MK II 18.17 ft / 5.54 m 1925
BARNEGAT 20 20.08 ft / 6.12 m 1960
CAMBRIDGE CADET 28.58 ft / 8.71 m 1947
COASTWISE CRUISER (#675) 36.42 ft / 11.10 m 1938
GRAVES 37 37.17 ft / 11.33 m 1980
GRAVES CONSTELLATION 29.42 ft / 8.97 m 1964
TRIANGLE ONE-DESIGN 28.50 ft / 8.69 m 1926
VICTORY (GARDNER) 31.50 ft / 9.60 m 1918