Britton Chance

1940 - 2012

Britton Chance was a prodigious naval architect and designer of many sailboats including several America's Cup contenders. He played a significant role along with Bruce Nelson, Dave Pedrick and SAIC scientists (led by Nils Salvesen and Carl Scragg) in developing the design of "Stars and Stripes" for Dennis Connors's 1987 bid for the return of the America Cup to the USA.
Chance's talents were employed by Harken Inc. for the 65-foot futuristic Procyon project.
Chance was active in racing sail design implementing many new foil designs which have pushed the state-of-the-art and rules of some of the worlds most prestigious races.

Sailboats Designed By Britton Chance

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15 Sailboats / Per Page: 50 / Page: 1

CHANCE 24 23.95 ft / 7.30 m 1973
CHANCE 29/25 (PACESHIP) 29.00 ft / 8.84 m 1973
CHANCE 30-30 (ALLIED) 30.58 ft / 9.32 m 1971
CHANCE 32 32.08 ft / 9.78 m 1972
CHANCE 32/28 (PACESHIP) 32.08 ft / 9.78 m 1972
CHANCE 37 (WAUQUIEZ) 36.92 ft / 11.25 m 1971
CHANCE 42/36 42.17 ft / 12.85 m 1974
ESSEX 14 14.00 ft / 4.27 m 1986
GOLDEN WAVE 48 47.83 ft / 14.58 m 1981
JOEMARIN 29 28.74 ft / 8.76 m 1974
OFFSHORE ONE (CHANCE) 32.92 ft / 10.03 m 1976
PT-30-1(PLAS TREND 30-1) 30.00 ft / 9.14 m 1968
PT-30-2 (PLAS TREND 30-2) 30.00 ft / 9.14 m 1970
PT-32 (PLAS TREND 32) 31.75 ft / 9.68 m 1973
TARTAN PRIDE 270 26.83 ft / 8.18 m 1985