Paul Jeeves

I think the powder-coat requires a perfectly clean surface, but I could be wrong. I thought about wood, but it’s uncontrollable (I’ve finally decided on a diesel forced air system).

The design of the boat has forced me to re-think the overhead traveller (balance issues with the amount of boat that’s below the water line. I’ve decided to mount the traveller on the cabin just forward of the new hard dodger. A little extra purchase makes it work without too much additional sheet required.

The tank and pump system is a top quality system and I’ve decided to keep it. It’s more convenient for the type of sailing we do, and where most of our sailing takes place.

I’ve been convinced to go with solar and forego the wind power. Fortunately, if it’s a mistake it’s an easily remedied mistake – it can be added later as my new electrical system has been designed to be scalable and upgradable without significant modification.

ADS and Radar are no-brainers, but one of the contractors who’s performing some work on the boat has also talked me into an infrared camera, to be mounted under the radar head.

Thanks for your thoughts.