Since there were no NY state registration numbers, I looked up Dolores on the USCG Documentation registry. Lots of boats in Dolores CO, owners on Dolores Avenue, owners named Dolores, and boats named Dolores, but none in New Rochelle.
Your photo from aft makes it look like the companionway may be slightly off-center, which is another good clue. It is not likely for an owner to change the rudder from its original shape. The best clue for a builder is likely going to be the covestripe, with the dot and arrow at the bow and dot and feathers at the stern. This link: https://web.archive.org/web/20050206195446/http://www.goodoldboat.com/cove_stripes.html
makes it look like she might be a Bristol, but the arrow at the bow isn’t the right shape. Irwin is also close, but the ports don’t match any Bristol or Irwin designs shown on the sailboatdata website. She may be imported, but I dld not find any LeComte, VandeStadt, or DeVries-Lentsch designs that matched either.