
Please keep in mind, we have been building our database of 8,600 boats by hand, one boat at a time since 2003 so there can be typos and errors. Our first choice for specifications is information we find from the builder (and even that can vary year to year for the same model). We almost never use For Sale listings as they tend to vary too much.

That said, we took another look at our Nauticat 40 record. We have revised the sail area to include the Main, Genoa and Mizzen sail. We also added the sail area of each individual sail, as well as the total SA including the Staysail (reported as a self-tacking jib), in the Notes section.

Anyone interested can find the revised record here: https://sailboatdata.com/sailboat/nauticat-40

Our apologies for any confusion. Hopefully this will help clarify the record.