This is the first time Cragah has posted — let’s welcome them to our community!

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  • #90968

    Hello to everyone and thank you for allowing me to participate in this forum.  I was recently given a Slipper 17 sailboat by some good neighbors of mine.  It had been covered for several years and had quite the buildup of acorns, nests and plenty of woodland debris.  Uncovered and pressure washed yesterday and was actually quite surprised at what good condition it’s actually in.  No soft spots anywhere just lots of dirt and some rotting wood.  The wood is no problem, I’m a woodworker and I’ve made many ah replacement pieces for other boats and their friends.  I probably won’t get her on the water this year but will spend the winter going over her and making new trim and cleaning her up properly.

    Can anyone recommend a good cleaning product for getting stains out/off of the fiberglass/gelcoat?  Pressure washing doesn’t seem to be doing the trick!  I’m also looking for new decals for both starboard and port sides.  They’re pretty small, only about 1 1/2” to 2” in height with Starboard Yachts underneath “the Slipper 17.”

    Also thinking about replacing the hand bilge pump with an electric one.  Any ideas or thoughts about this?

    One more thing…. Not that there are many moving parts, but, where is a good place to search for replacement parts if needed?

    Thank you in advance to all for any information forwarded.  It is greatly appreciated!

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  • #91064
    IMG 1724PaulK

    Doing a bit of sleuthing shows that Starboard Yachts was purchased by Hake Yachts, which bought Island Packet. Island Packet may have more information but it is doubtful they have parts for a boat that was last built in 1991. Talk to a clerk at your shipchandler’s about what electric bilge pump might be best.

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