• Creator
  • #84512
    Paul Jeeves

    I’ve owned this boat for several years. I’ve been on the proverbial fence between purchasing a new boat or refitting this one. I’ve finally concluded that the strength of this boat (hand-laid hull that’s an inch thick in places) and the debris floating in the waterways suggests that a refit is a better solution than replacement, not to mention environmentally the better option. As an aside, with a comfort ratio of 29.2, this boat is very comfortable to sail, and with a capsize screening index of 1.81, is stable in heavy seas.

    Anyway, my refit is planned to be extensive. Over the years I’ve had to re-engineer a lot of the boat to accommodate the fact that it’s typically sailed, solo. Solo does not imply that it’s always sailed with a single occupant, but frequently with a solo sailer surrounded by ignorant (dictionary definition) sailors.

    In addition to refinishing the hull and deck, and refurbishing the cabin, the following is my Wishlist for this refit. I’m open to discussion and suggestions, with many thanks in advance…

    I plan/hope to:

    Replace the steel swing-keel with a stainless steel piece or possibly a composite (Repealed).

    Bow thruster for certain (thinking of also adding at stern thruster)

    Electric windlass with remote control.

    Design, Fabrication, and Installation of an overhead Traveller system to free-up cockpit space, and for the safety of the ‘passengers.’ Similar to the “Hunter” system, but perhaps with composites as opposed to stainless steel.

    A Hard Dodger. Instrumentation would be mounted in the dodger, etc.

    Installation of Heat and Hot water. My initial thoughts were to use diesel for convenience and safety, but it turns out that diesel is not so efficient. Propane is my reluctant second choice, but the safety of propane is a concern. I’m now thinking that Natural Gas is the safest option since it is lighter than air, therefore will not sink to the bilge. My concern is the availability of Natural Gas. The boat will sail the West Coast between Alaska and Mexico, but be primarily located in Vancouver, Canada.

    Installation of both wind and solar power. The boat does not have either at this time, but my sailing has never taken me more than a week away from my home port. My plans for the future include passages of several weeks (perhaps months), thus these systems are necessary.

    Refrigerator, Freezer.

    Radar and ADS systems. The remaining instrumentation is modern and efficient.

    Toilet. I can’t decide whether to keep the current toilet (holding tank) or replace it with a composting system. The composting system would free-up space in the boat, but little things (paper can go in my current tank) seem to make the tank more convenient.

    The remaining refit items are mostly convenience items and aesthetics. This is the category of, “what might I have forgotten that others discovered along the way?”

    Thoughts and suggestions solicited and appreciated.

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  • Author
  • #84515
    IMG 1724PaulK

    Sounds like you have a lot to think about. CNG is not going to get any easier to find. Is maintaining your current centerboard so much hassle that you’re willing to spend upwards of $2000 (US) on a stainless steel one? These guys https://metalsnet.com/stainless-steel/316-stainless/316-stainless-plate/?gclid=CjwKCAiAu8SABhAxEiwAsodSZPJ8r-g3u00refQI9ZLAAbVVk7fC30uP1OUj0JwFLvGhHTiNEpvXUhoCY3MQAvD_BwE have half-inch 316 SS sheets 2’x4’ for about $1800. Then you have to have it shaped… Friends who had a Bristol 35.5 – very similar to your boat – didn’t bother with the centerboard and simply sailed with it up. After you’ve spent all this time and money refurbishing, your boat will be worth about $0.02 more than it was before you started. Don’t forget that the reason to have a sailboat is to go sailing!

    Paul Jeeves

    Good point on the cost. Interesting, in the time between my initial post and your response, I rethought the idea of stainless. I’m thinking now to remove the swing-keel and refinish it (welder and grinder) as it’s pretty banged-up. Then I’ll just have it powder-coated before the bottom paint is applied. The powder-coating is tough stuff and resists the salt water elements well. So that should satisfy this part of my Wishlist.

    Mark Ayers

    I would put on a good coat of Ospho before the powder coating for additional rust protection.
    Also on the heat, several companies offer small wood burning stoves for boats. Amazing how much heat energy is in wood, easy to store and will never explode, also pretty easy to find during your travels. Just a thought. I like the idea of overhead travelers! the only thing about composites is they are good up to a point and then they let go all at once and would be very difficult to fix at sea. stainless, while heavy, will bend and flex quite a ways before letting go. Also just another thought…
    I’ve heard good things on the composting heads, but if your not going out for weeks at a time, I’m not sure you would really get much benefit and it is another take out and replace project, so maybe that can wait awhile, especially if your tank and pump are working well. Solar is a good bet if your keeping the boat for several years. it is getting cheaper too, but make sure you have the battery system to keep up with your needs as well.
    I really like the AIS system and they now are offering a new option to AIS B+ . I’m not sure what all equipment you have and how much ocean traffic you are encountering but I would put a vote in for this system. Cheers Mark

    Paul Jeeves

    I think the powder-coat requires a perfectly clean surface, but I could be wrong. I thought about wood, but it’s uncontrollable (I’ve finally decided on a diesel forced air system).

    The design of the boat has forced me to re-think the overhead traveller (balance issues with the amount of boat that’s below the water line. I’ve decided to mount the traveller on the cabin just forward of the new hard dodger. A little extra purchase makes it work without too much additional sheet required.

    The tank and pump system is a top quality system and I’ve decided to keep it. It’s more convenient for the type of sailing we do, and where most of our sailing takes place.

    I’ve been convinced to go with solar and forego the wind power. Fortunately, if it’s a mistake it’s an easily remedied mistake – it can be added later as my new electrical system has been designed to be scalable and upgradable without significant modification.

    ADS and Radar are no-brainers, but one of the contractors who’s performing some work on the boat has also talked me into an infrared camera, to be mounted under the radar head.

    Thanks for your thoughts.

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