Loosely based an earlier, very popular (centerboard) Scow design published in ‘The Rudder’ magazine, (1898) with Star-type keel and rudder added. Raced in Holland with a resurgence of interest in recent decades. Only scantlings specified so actual weight is an estimate.
Rigs: Gunter
Gunter with sprit
The HAMBLE STAR is a hard chine, open dinghy of carvel type construction.
Rig is gunter sloop.
It is thought there are at least 30 still sailing.
(Primarily at Anchor Bay, Kent)
Kits for owner completion or complete boats.
Max aux. power 10hp.
Intended as a trailerable, family, multi-purpose boat that would also sail reasonably well. Sliding gunter, with or without jib. (Designed to accept a 6hp outboard motor).
Originally the YACHTING WORLD KNOCKABOUT, a design which was published in Yachting World magazine.
At least 36 boats sailing by 1960. Sailed mostly at Fowey Harbor, Cornwall, UK.
There has been a recent resurgence of interest in the class and several new boats have been built by local boat builder, Marcus Lewis.
Though first used at the West Wight Sailing Club, the class soon spread to other clubs around Britain as well as other countries including Austalia, Canada and Italy.
Raced in Ireland to this day (Ballyglass on Lough Ree and Dromineer on Lough Derg)
New hull and sail specifications were adopted in 1989.
Sailed and raced at a number of locations in the UK. Early boats from the orginal builder were available in a number of lengths from 8′ to 14′ and with many variations in fixtures, fittings, sails, rig and hulls. This 12′ foot version, known as the TIDEWAY, built in mahogany on oak, has been the most popular. New boats are still available. See class website for more details.
Selected by Duetscher Segler Vergand in a competition held in 1931. Sailed in the Melborne Olympic Games of 1956. (The gold medal in this event was won by noted Australian sailor, Rolly Tasker). Still raced in a number of fleets around the world (in some cases as variants of the original). In the UK it is the BRITISH SHARPIE or NORFOLK SHARPIE. In Australia called the HEAVYWEIGHT SHARPIE, and beginning in 1960, a modernized version called the AUSTRALIAN LIGHTWEIGHT SHARPIE.