Beta Marine

Beta Marine

Sailboat Specifications

Hull Type: Iceboat (bow steerer)
Rigging Type: Cat (rotating spar)
LOA: 12.00 ft / 3.66 m
S.A. (reported): 60.00 ft² / 5.57 m²
Beam: 8.00 ft / 2.44 m
Displacement: 120.00 lb / 54 kg
Construction: Wood
First Built: 1937
Builder: Various
Designer: Archie Arroll

Sailboat Calculations

S.A. / Displ.: 39.48
Capsize Screening Formula: 6.49

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Hull width: 1.75'
Approx. all up weight: 120 lbs.

The DN is the largest iceboat class in the world, so named because it was the winner of an iceboat design contest sponsored by the Detroit News in 1937. First called the BLUE STREAK 60. (60 sq. ft. meas. SA)
It's unknown how many have actually been built, but The IDNIYRA currently (2007) has about 2000 members (1000 in North America and 1000 in Europe), representing 20 countries. A World Championship is held each year, with the site alternating between North America and Europe. There are also North American and European Championsips held each year, as well as numerous other international and local regattas.