

SAILBOATDATA.COM is the original and most comprehensive database containing information on more than 8800 production and semi-production sailboats going back to the late 1800’s. A majority include photos and or drawings from a library of original plans and brochures. Others have been contributed by users (after a thorough vetting). Also included is information on the designer(s), original builder(s) and or links to related websites with a number of search options.

Why Digital Advertising

Advertising online is now an essential element of a successful marketing strategy: responsive, versatile, capable both of building brand awareness and engagement and driving response and purchase behavior. Given the well-established benefits of advertising online, it should be no surprise that 15 per cent of worldwide ad budgets are now spent this way. In fact, it rather begs the question how much of the remaining 85 per cent could be better spent in the digital space. Advertising online is often seen as the greatest direct response strategy ever invented. And it is. But that’s only part of the story. Online advertising campaigns are able to target consumers at any point in the purchase funnel, with a level of interactivity that today’s consumers demand but which no other channel can deliver. Advertising online can build new levels of brand engagement and advocacy, generate almost immediate word-of-mouth, target audiences to an extent not available through other media and impact immediately on purchase behavior. Digital has rapidly changed the way consumers relate to brands; for advertisers to respond, they arguably need to move on from the question of ‘Why Digital?” and start to ask “How Digital?”. Many of today’s most successful integrated marketing campaigns have achieved their impact through building their strategies around the potential of digital from the start.

Economic Value of Advertising Supported Internet

In just over two decades the Internet has become central to social and economic life and is, today, a mature and integral element of the U.S. national economy. It is not only vital infrastructure, it is a spur to entrepreneurship and social change. It has changed the way firms find customers, customers find information, and people manage social relationships.