Macwester Marine Co. Ltd. (UK)

Founded by C. S. J. Roy who was also the designer for the entire Macwester line including the Macwester 26, 28, 30, Kelpie, Rowan 22, Wight Class, Macwester 27, Malin, Pelagian, Rowan 8m, Rowan Crown and Seaforth. The company was located at Littlehampton, West Sussex.
No longer in business.
Owners or those interested in these boats are fortunate in the fact that the website listed here is among the best of it's kind anywhere. The best and most detailed information about all things Macwester can be found there.

Years in Business: 1964 - present

Sailboats Built By Macwester Marine Co. Ltd. (UK)

(Dates indicate when boat was first built by any builder)

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9 Sailboats / Per Page: 50 / Page: 1

KELPIE 15 (MACWESTER) 14.92 ft / 4.55 m 1967
MACWESTER 26 26.00 ft / 7.92 m 1964
MACWESTER 27 26.97 ft / 8.22 m 1972
MACWESTER 28 28.25 ft / 8.61 m 1967
MACWESTER ROWAN 22 22.00 ft / 6.71 m 1971
MACWESTER ROWAN 8M 26.50 ft / 8.08 m 1976
MACWESTER ROWAN CROWN 24.00 ft / 7.32 m 1980
WIGHT (MACWESTER) MKI 31 30.50 ft / 9.30 m 1968
WIGHT (MACWESTER) MKII 32 31.75 ft / 9.68 m 1972