Martinoli Marine
Established by Don Ignacio Martinoli an Argentinian citizen born in Italy, the yard started by building new boats of his own design, as well as repairs and maintenance of sport and commercial vessels.
Edgardo Martinoli:
An Argentinian born in 1973, Edgardo Martinoli became interested in sailing at an early age.
He studied at the Liceo Naval Militar Alte. Guillermo Brown where he graduated as reserve officer of the Argentinian Navy. He then carried out a 3 year course at university level as a navy engeneer and navy architecture.
He then became known as a boat builder specializing in advanced technology in composite materials.
Calle 12 y 171.
Buenos Aires. Argentina. Cp1923
Years in Business: 1937 - present
Sailboats Built By Martinoli Marine
(Dates indicate when boat was first built by any builder)
1 Sailboats / Per Page: 50 / Page: 1
SOTO 33 | 33.37 ft / 10.17 m | 2010 |