Hein Driehuyzen

Design career began while manager of Calgan Marine,(Vancouver, BC,CA) with the CROWN 34. After leaving Calgan in 1976, he went on to design the Sceptre line of yachts. The first in that line was the SCEPTER 36, which was based on an elongated CROWN 34 hull. Sceptre eventually grew into a line of popular blue water cruising boats, all designed by Driehuyzen.

Sailboats Designed By Hein Driehuyzen

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6 Sailboats / Per Page: 50 / Page: 1

CROWN 34 33.80 ft / 10.30 m 1975
SAN JUAN 34 33.79 ft / 10.30 m 1980
SCEPTRE 36 35.50 ft / 10.82 m 1978
SCEPTRE 41 41.00 ft / 12.50 m 1982
SCEPTRE 43 43.00 ft / 13.11 m 1995
SUN 1030 33.83 ft / 10.31 m 1979