Dick Lefeber

1927 - 2000

Dick Lefeber’s designs are characterized by their attractive, timeless lines, functionality and space.
He started out as a draughtsman/designer with an inland boatyard, where he designed flat-bottomed vletten (classic Dutch motor cruisers), tugs, inland vessels and fishing cutters.
It was in the 60s and 70s, when Dick Lefeber worked for ‘Eista Werf’, that he really won his spurs by designing the popular Doerak and Marak models. He also drafted the well-known Rogger, Banjer and Krammer designs. In that period he developed at least 40 models and variants in steel and polyester. He went on to design countless Lemster Aken and Staverse Kotters for ‘traditional’ builders.

Sailboats Designed By Dick Lefeber

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3 Sailboats / Per Page: 50 / Page: 1

BANJER 37 36.50 ft / 11.13 m 1969
KRAMMER 700 23.20 ft / 7.07 m 1970
ROGGER 35 34.45 ft / 10.50 m 1974