The definition is difficult to understand.
Stiffer, doesn’t seem like a ratio of weights can determine stiffness of a boat, but I’m not sure.
More powerful: seems like power comes from the sails, not the relationship between weight of the keel and weight of the boat, but I’m not sure.
Better able to stand up to the wind: same answer.
Any hull designers out there? Help?
A Ballast/Displacement ratio of 40 or more translates into a stiffer, more powerful boat that will be better able to stand up to the wind.
Bal./Disp = ballast (lbs)/ displacement (lbs)*100
I know this is old but I’ll take a stab at it.
What does it translate to…I thought about that and it’s a great question. The ratio itself is simple, it’s the weight of the ballast relative to the weight of the whole boat.
Your question, posed another way, I think is, what would be different between two similar boats with very different b/d ratios?
The only thing I can think of is if you have a boat with a smaller radio, or, less difference between the weight of the ballast versus total weight, then you might have less stability, a lower comfort ratio, and worse capsize recovery ability. I’m guessing, just to start a conversation which might draw out the guy who knows!
I’m curious about the purpose of “double enders” or “canoe” stern boats?
Thank you:)