Beta Marine

Beta Marine

Sailboat Specifications

Hull Type: Scow Twin Cbrd.
Rigging Type: Cat (Marconi)
LOA: 4.88 m
S.A. (reported): 12.54 m²
Beam: 1.73 m
Displacement: 191 kg
Construction: FG
First Built: 1956
# Built: 2760
Builder: Melges Performance Sailboats
Designer: Melges/Johnson

Sailboat Calculations

S.A. / Displ.: 38.56
Capsize Screening Formula: 3.03

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Sailboat Links

Builders: Johnson Boat Works (USA)
Melges Performance Sailboats
Associations: MC Scow
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Based on the J SCOW of the the mid-1950's. (Designed and built by John O. Johnson). Significantly updated by Melges.